Welcome to May's place


Will go


Corgi with glassesFluffy corgi with glasses


Pardon this appearance! I'm in the process of updating my website. In the meantime, here are my dogs wearing my glasses and my bio below those.

Thanks for visiting, come back soon!

About May

May the developer

I am a full stack engineer at Parsec at Unity. I write frontend and backend code, and maintain cloud services infrastructure.

May the person

When I started having more fun making browser widgets and laboratory gadgets than doing actual research in my microbiology PhD program, I decided software engineering was a good path forward for me. I finished a coding bootcamp called Flatiron in NYC and became one of the early members of Parsec. I've contributed to taking the team from a small startup to acquisition by Unity.

I’ve contributed to all stack at Parsec, as well as building out internal metrics tools that others can use to improve their workflow. I enjoy working on the whole process of building an app, front to back. While I enjoy being a generalist, my involvement in a diverse range of projects led me to value having domain knowledge expertise as well as the ability to collaborate effectively in cross-functional teams.

If you'd like to get in touch, hit me up for a chat at hello@maykim.me.